Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog Post 2 - Cassandra Hockman

Clearly, peer review within the humanities and, more specifically, within the study of English is very important for the success of the university and academia. Our job as scholars is not only to keep up with our specialty, but to make sure our peers are up to standard as well. Therefore, I see the future of peer review remaining the same, if not becoming even more important.
More recently, I have found significant work within my interest by speaking with current scholars. Fortunately, I am grateful for my advisor and enjoy the potential for collaboration. During my most recent library search, I found several of his books enduring and helpful ( In addition, I plan to communicate with my peers and network to further my expertise. As we discussed last week, conferences are great opportunities to meet other scholars and explore new paths in your own research.
Research topics aside, it's interesting and valuable to note the importance of scholarly achievement to faculty positions. As we read in Module 3, some universities have specified requirements for the tenure track positions. This information does not come as a shock, but it does bring my subconscious ruminations into cognition; the world of the humanities is stark without its own valuable defense. I do hope that despite the fierce inter (and intra) disciplinary competition, those of us passionate for the extension and liberation of learning will successfully prevail.

No matter how I learn my own research technique, I like to read and write; more so, I like to play with what I've read through language be it written, spoken, or some other visual. I take time to create with words and sketches, and very much enjoy the evolution of thought. Research for me: I read anything I can get in my hands while personal existence drives me. (As both Soraya and Michelle have said.)

P.S. In case anyone's interests include Pop Culture...

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